Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Say What You Need To Say!

After viewing a video today and reading the following scripture:
The tongue that brings healing is the tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit. Proverbs 15:4

I realized what we say to others is so important. So without further delay, I've something to say.

To my husband
I respect and admire all that you are and do for us.
You're my knight in shinning armor.
I trust you.
I believe in you.
I need you.
You inspire me.
You make my dreams come true.
I love you.
You're my hero.
You are my Prince Charming.
To my sons
You can do anything.
You're so brave.
You make me smile.
You brighten my day.
You're amazing.
I believe in you.
You've changed my world.
I love you.
To my daughters
You're beautiful.
You're precious.
You're amazing.
You've forever touched my heart.
You brighten my day.
I believe in you.
You've changed my world.
I love you.
To my parents
Thank you for your unconditional love.
Thank you for your inspiration.
Thank you for your encouragement.
Thank you for your guidance.
You're amazing.
Thank you for loving me in spite of my weakness.
You've changed my world.
I love you.
To my siblings
Thank you for your love and support.
You've listened with an non judgemental heart.
You're amazing.
You mean the world to me.
You've changed my world.
I love you.
To my friends
Thank your for your shoulders to cry on.
Your hugs mean so much.
Thank you for your kind words.
Thank you for your laughter.
Thank you for your support.
You give me hope.
You've changed my world.
You're amazing.
I love you.
To those I have never met
Jesus loves you.
To all of you
Thank you!
Click here to view the video.
Go on...
Say what you need to say to those you love!


Unknown said...


That is AWESOME!

I love this post!!!!!

What a powerful statment that is for all of us! Our words can build up or tear down. Love it!

Thanks for this awesome post!

Thank you for helping me with a post for the Rigg's magazine.

Yes, I can help you nominate others too. I love your blog too!

Lexi was a preemie. Not sure if you read her birth story. I think what you do is angels on earth. You bless the families more than you will ever know with your love, comfort and warm touch. God bless you!

In His amazing grace,

Tifiny Lind said...