This past week hasn't been a good week. For almost all my life I have suffered with depression.
Is it a biological, chemical imbalance, life's circumstances, or both? I don't really know. What I do know, is I suffer from it...and it is just the most agonizing, sorrowful experience. I am so broken, in a million pieces, how do I put them back together?
Sometimes it last a few days, and sometimes it last for years. I become so consumed with the emotions of my world, I can't take it. I find myself falling into this is is is lonely. I try, really try, to climb my way out. I can barely see the light at the top, for the more I dig, the deeper I get. Finally, I just can't fight anymore. Just like the spirit of Jacob Marley, I am bound by the chains of my fallen life. I am exhausted from the struggle, becoming totally non functional.
I have been on medication, gone to counseling, tried to kill myself. It does get better, but it doesn't ever really go away. Like any other illness, you learn to deal with it. When I say deal with it, you just try to hang on, while on that roller coaster ride...your life, to the best of your abilities. It will disappear for a while, and I will be functional again...or am I?
When I arrive at this point...just curled up at the bottom of this visible light...I need to just be.
This may be difficult for many to takes all my energy just to breath, to eat, to sleep, to take care of myself, to take care of my family, to think, to pray.
Reality, I simply can't do any of those things.
Honestly, I don't want to.
Unfortunately, I am trapped within my mind. Going over and over again, the most painful times in my life.
You see, I think I feel safe in this hole, no one can reach me, no one can hurt me. I don't have to respond, react to this world. I just think...and think...and think. Unfortunately, there comes a time when I just have to pull myself up to survive. I don't think I really survive for is for them. The guilt I feel for abandoning them to the dark side, eventually tugs at my heart and soul...Then I feel worse, like a failure...selfish. I don't want to hurt those I love. Our life is suppose to be about doing and giving to I right?
Here in this hole is where my faith in God becomes weak...this is usually when I tend to leave him.
Can't you hear me! ?
I am crying here, just dying!
Can't you see me! ?
I can't take it any longer! Where are you?! ...and so I wait.
Why do I always go down the path of despair....Where is this path of righteousness?
When I am in this pit, it becomes so difficult for me to believe... to trust. I feel abandoned. Every minute, every hour, every day, every week, every month that passes in this darkness, makes it harder and harder for me to trust.
I realize, so many others are facing difficult times in their lives. Some I hear about, others I read of on other blogs, makes mine seem so small, like a period at the end of a sentence. The cross they have to carry...oh, how do they continue on. What makes them so strong...have Depression, that is my too is heavy.
I know you want to call, to talk, to help me. Please understand, I just can't right now...I need to just be. My phone is turned off, my messages just sit in the inbox. It is comforting to know that in this fallen world...there are those who still love. What I need more than anything, is prayer. Show him to me, for I can't see through the darkness. I know this will pass, it usually does. Usually, when I am out, I see where God has been with me, besides me in that hole. I just hate this process.
A favorite song, from MercyMe, entitled, Coming Up To what my life has been.
Sometimes I listen to it over and over...
"Coming Up To Breathe"
I'm in way too deep
I've forgotten how to swim
I can't tell which way is up or down
Save me before I drown down here
I just need some air
I'm coming up to breathe
Oh, I'm coming up to breathe
I've held my breath for all my life
But I am breaking free tonight
And I'm coming up to breathe
I just need to break these chains
I just need to leave this place
Before now this was all I knew
But with just one glimpse of You I see
You're the air I need
Oh, I'm coming up to breathe
I've held my breath for all my life
But I am breaking free tonight
And I'm coming up to breathe
I've done everything I can
To get myself up on dry land
Lord, here I am again
Reaching for Your hand
Oh, I'm coming up to breathe
I've held my breath for all my life
But I am breaking free tonight
And I'm coming up to breathe
Soon, I'll be coming up to breathe
Slow Start
1 week ago
I love you mom! I think you are an AMAZING woman! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings with us. So many people feel the way you do, but keep it bottled up inside. I know because that's what I do. I miss you so much! I am here when you are ready to talk. I love you mom!!!
Just know that you're being prayed for. I know that things seem unbearable and overwhelming... but from where I stand I think it very well may be Satan's feeble attempts to pull you away from your focus on the Holy Spirit. I'm so impressed and proud of the determined heart you have shown lately - to seek the Lord with all the strength you can find. Nothing brings on those nasty attacks more than when we turn our hearts in the direction they should be.
Just rest in knowing that He WILL bring you out of the pit... just rest in His strength and the hope He offers. Easier said the done, I know. But He will be faithful... and I know you are stronger than you think.
Love you... Meghan
He's showing himself to you...through friends, family, loved ones. He sends them to you in your time of need. So when a loved one is calling when you're in your darkest hour, that's the father reaching out to help you through his servants with love and support.
We are here (always) when you are ready for us. It's very courageous of you to share your feelings and fears. We pray for you and are here for you with open hearts and open minds when you're ready.
Love, Sue
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