Friday, December 4, 2009

Change can be a good thing

For years, six to be exact, I have been "peri menopausal."

It goes something like this:

Jacket/sweater on, hair down...jacket/sweater off, hair up.

Why doesn't anyone care about me (*sniff*), Oh, you guys are so sweet.

Happy, sad...happy, sad...happy, sad...all within one minute! Whew!

Can't sleep, hot flash, blanket off, sweaty, freezing, blanket on...repeat!!!

It's 15 degree's out, all the windows are open, fan on above my bed and a floor fan directly facing me. My husband is fully dressed for bed in his winter ski outfit, including hat and gloves, while I'm in shorts and a t-shirt.

Uh...I know who you are, boss...what was your name again? Jeez, I've got early Alzheimers!

I think you have the general idea. I have been going CrAzY! I'm sure if you ask my family, they would say something that sounds like..."you're going cRaZy, do you have any idea what you're putting us through!"

Dear Lord, I understand you're trying to prepare me for a new phase of my life, but this is a bit extreme, don't you think?! Can you just cool it down a notch! And the emotional bondage..ughh!

Peri menopause- the transition period before menopause, usually lasting 1-3 years. Hello, it's been six for me!! Your cycle is irregular, you can't sleep, your memory is shot, you're extremely emotional, and you feel like your going crazy. You are considered menopausal when you don't have a cycle for one year, and yes you still suffer with the above! Nice!

I could have anywhere from 10-20 hot flashes an hour to over 100 in any given day. I was taking bio-identical hormones, with little results. In January, my doctor suggested I try a different medication, this would be my fourth. After a brief trial period and no difference, I decided something had to change.

After doing some research, and reading a book and blog of a dear friend, I decided it was time to kick it up a notch. Overall my health was fair, not great. I wanted to feel better, have more clarity, and look better. You know...turn some heads!

I have done this diet and that, worked out here and there, but never consistent. In June I turned 49, it hit me, "Yikes! I'm getting old!" I felt like time is really, really catching up to me. I have five children, three still at home, and two grown children with children of their own. I'm a grandmother, and I want to live to enjoy all my children and my grandchildren.

I began to make some subtle changes. I quit taking all medications, and cut out caffeine. This took about a two week period. The side effects coupled with those hormonal issues, made me very unpleasant! In July we went to Disneyland and upon our return, I suffered miserably with extreme edema in my lower extremities. That's when I new it was time for a change!

Slowly, I started changing my diet. I began eating more raw and vegetarian dishes, trying to stay away from meat, dairy, wheat, sugar, processed food, anything packaged with something I can't pronounce, and glutton. After reading Jill's book and doing much research, I was prepared to start on my journey of change. However, I was terrified I wouldn't receive the support from my husband, and hence this would be another unsuccessful attempt. After praying about it and sharing my thoughts with my husband, to my surprise, he wanted to join me in this new change.

On July 6th my husband and I did the Master Cleanse with careful guidance from my dear friend, Jill. We did the cleanse for seven days, followed by juicing for five. Then our diet consisted of mostly, fresh green juice or green smoothie in the morning, then eating raw or semi-vegan diet for the most part. I can't say we are true vegans, as we eat fish, always fresh and wild, usually once a week. We do have cooked meals. Occasionally I will make tofu, soups and chili. Right now we are having a blast experimenting with foods. I really am enjoying creating in the kitchen. We have occasionally had some chicken and other foods(dairy, yeast, glutton). Our body reacted negatively to these foods and we suffered greatly, from stomach problems to head aches. As a result, we realized how bad some foods really made us feel. On Thanksgiving, my 15 year old son (a chef in training) decided to make the entire meal. Yes, we did have some turkey, but he also prepared plenty of fresh vegetables for us to eat.

As for my children...well, it's been tough. There are some things they will eat, other things they will not touch. And you know what, that's okay. Unfortunately, I created bad eating habits in them, and it will take a while for them to accept our change. I don't want to force the issue on them, I want them to see for themselves. After all, they are not me! They love fresh green smoothies, so were one step ahead of the game. Since I home school my children, as an elective I'm teaching about nutrition.

My husband has lost over 30 pounds and I over 20 pounds. We both have more energy and feel great. As for my hot flashes, I may have five a day and still no medication. We both have recieved great compliments, "you've lost so much weight." " Your skin looks great." "You're glowing." I plan on starting an exercise program come the first of the year, starting by getting back on my treadmill and walking.

Now, I am not in any way saying that if you make these changes, you too will have the same results. I'm just sharing my story. Nor am I suggesting that you become a vegan or start eating raw foods, again it's a personal choice. What I would investigate things for yourself. Pray about it and ask the Lord to show you what is best for you. We recently watched Food Inc., great movie. I highly recommend it, and no...I don't believe watching the movie will make you a vegetarian. But it will heighten your awareness of what you are eating.


One month later

two months later


Chili with cashews as a sour cream

Taco salad with walnuts as taco meat, homemade guacamole,
salsa and chips from a spelt tortilla

Jicama salad with avocado instead of mayonnaise

Cauliflower red coconut curry soup

Raw chocolate cake
Made with walnuts, dates and some raw cocoa.
Drizzled with homemade chocolate and vanilla cream sauce.
Chocolate sauce is made from raw cocoa and agave.
The vanilla sauce is cashews, agave and vanilla.
My husbands favorite..he loves chocolate!

Chocolate cheesecake with mint ganache.
All raw, no eggs, flour or dairy.
Excellent for the holidays!

I also make homemade hummus at least once a week, used to dip all our vegetables as well as a spread on our sandwich. I really am having a blast in the kitchen. Cooking has taken on a very different perspective.
As my dear friend Jill says: "I now eat to live, not live to eat!"


Tif said...

I NEEDED that post today! Funny how that works! After looking at all those picture I want to try those. They look delicious!!! I start boot camp next week with a friend of mine and I would really love to start cooking again. Please send me those recipes and maybe I should get a copy of that book. You look amazing mom and I am so happy that you are happy! Love you and miss you!

Unknown said...


I'm so proud of you both! You do look amazing! I have been so honored and humbled to be a part of this journey!

You have done an incredible job with making such beautiful dishes!

Thank you for sharing your story again here so your friends and family will understand why you have chosen this path for yourselves!

I love you both and continue to pray for God's clear leading as you follow Him!

Hugs and blessings - Jill

Mare said...

Tif- I highly recommend the book. There is so much information and ways you can search things out for yourself. I will be happy to send you the recipes. Most importantly, pray about it, and realize that it's not a's a lifestyle!

I love and miss you too!

Jill- Again, thank you so much for your support and prayers. And keep those recipes coming! :)

Love and blessings to you too!

LisaShaw said...

Great testimony! You look beautiful!

Tif said...

I know that. I am beginning to realize that is what I need. I need to change the way I am living my life. Not just food and exercise, but myself. I am sick of not being happy and I am done sitting around feeling sorry for myself and not soing anything about it. I feel like I have spent my whole life trying to be what everyone else wants me to be and completely forgetting that I have my own dreams for myself. It is time to be me and sadly i do not know who that is right now, but I will find myself!