I believe everyone at one point or another, desires to feel...."A sense of belonging"
Ever feel invisible, even though you are a part of something (family, club, work, church)? Have you felt excluded?
It seems to start at a very young age, often when we start school.
You can't be in our group...
-cause you have short hair.
-your fat.
-your clothes are ugly.
-you're a Jesus freak.
The list goes on and on!
I remember as a child desperately wanting to belong, to be significant in some way. From my experience, rejection or feeling excluded, whether real or just my perception, left me feeling invisible.
We all want to feel accepted. Sadly, the way we perceive acceptance by others, more often than not, is when we are included in a group, activity, recognized/acknowledged in some way, or told we're valued.
I've recently felt this way. It's a little different for me now as an adult. I tried to talk myself out of how I felt, give people the benefit of the doubt. But, just like when I was a child...I couldn't help but become consumed by thoughts of "what's wrong with me?" "Why don't they like me anymore?" What soon followed, was feelings of jealousy, bitterness, and entitlement.
I've come to realize, these feelings arose out of my need for acceptance and self-esteem. Websters defines self-esteem as: a reasonable or justifiable sense of one's worth or importance. I'm not sure I believe self-esteem and self-worth are interchangeable here. For me, self-esteem is based more on accomplishments or achievements. Self-worth is where you feel worthwhile and valued in this world. I believe it's created in our mind, belief system, and by others...it's here you feel/know you are loved, accepted.
Aren't we all are guilty of "excluding" someone?
I had to take a step away my perceived thoughts and ask myself...
"What is true?"
"What is a lie?"
My Pastor once said; 'put your hope and trust in this world, in people, you will always be disappointed".
Truth- I am valued so much that Christ gave His life for me. Therefore, I should live my life with complete confidence in who I am in Christ. That I'm just passing through this world and the best is yet to come~Amen!
You see, I realized...
It's not about me!
It doesn't matter whether I'm in the "in" crowd or not. Regardless of how others treat me, what matters is I love others no matter what, because....
1John 4:7 He first loved us.
Galatians 4:14 Love your neighbor as yourself.
1John 3:18 Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and truth. 23 And this is His command: to believe in the name if His Son, Jesus Christ, and to love one another as He commanded us.
You see, it's not about me or you...it's about understanding that we were first loved by God as a sinner(always a sinner) and out of that love, Jesus sacrificed His life that we might belong to the Kingdom of God. And because Christ lives in us, it's Christ love that shines through us to others, all for HIS glory! It's really about following Christ way of loving others.
Funny thing...prompted by the Lord, I started this post Monday(just never posted) and today (Sunday) my Pastor's message was about how to love as Jesus does...
Apparently, someone is trying to get my attention!
I'll close with scripture that just came to me...
Hebrews 13:1-2 Keep on loving each other as brothers. Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.
Slow Start
1 week ago
1 comment:
Even the in crowd has felt like an out crowd at some point!
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